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Whispering to Granddad



Grace Consulting provides independent advice on care, special needs and neurodiversity to private clients and the corporate sector across the UK.

​Our specialist Solicitor Advice Team provides expert assistance for solicitors and deputies working with vulnerable clients and their families.

In addition to the services below, we are always happy to discuss bespoke services suitable for a client's particular needs.​

Care advice


Searching for the right care options for your clients is often time consuming. At Grace we offer a range of care advice services, depending on your client’s needs.

Personal visit and telephone-based care advice services are available.

From care guidance type services to care searches, visits and accompanied vettings of care homes, our advisers are available to explain care options and, where helpful, conduct personalised research and prepare written reports on the most suitable care providers, whilst also making sure clients are aware of all statutory services and funding for which they may be eligible.

Family visits often help unlock new ideas and resolve any different views held by the person requiring care or their family.

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Man on Wheelchair

Care needs assessments and reviews


As independent care advisers, we assist Private Client Solicitors in conducting personal visits to carry out an assessment of an individual’s current and potential future care requirements. Where appropriate, this includes the adviser’s view of the support they are currently receiving.
Findings are set out in an independent report with recommendations.

The annual review service is available as monitoring where a formal report is required.


Nursing Assessments


This assessment, also known as an Immediate Care Needs and Welfare Assessment, is a detailed review of an individual’s care needs with a comprehensive report.


The service is used to ensure that the individual is receiving the most suitable care possible, to flag up any unmet needs and to assist in making best interests decisions. It can also be used to assist with CHC challenges and appeals.

Old and Young
Image by Tiago Muraro

Mental Capacity Assessments


Grace provides independent Mental Capacity Assessments for various purposes including:


  • ​Decisions to make or change a Will

  • Power of Attorney Certificate provision

  • Decisions to act as a Trustee

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and we welcome any enquiries where an independent assessment of mental capacity is required. 


Case studies

Get in touch

For information contact our Nurse Manager, Emily at: or via the contact form below.

23 Kings Road, Shalford, Surrey, GU4 8JU

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 Privacy Policy 


© 2024 Grace Consulting

Registered Number: 1961181 - VAT Number: 384 2508 44

23 Kings Road, Shalford, Surrey, GU4 8JU


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